TurboPatent Invention Hub Redesign

TurboPatent is a Seattle-based tech company which aims to reinvent the patent application process by leveraging its automation and artificial intelligence technology. The goal of the 3-months internship project is to redesign Invention Hub, an invention discovery platform, by exploring users' needs and defining the current design problems.

The proposed high-fidelity prototype of the Invention Hub finally improved the user experience with the increase of task success rate from 34% to 88%.

  • Client: TurboPatent
  • Roles: UX Researcher, UX Designer
  • Toolkits: Sketch,Invision, Adobe XD
  • Collaborators: Chief Product Officer (Dave Billmaier)
  • Duration: Sep 2018 - Nov 2018


“How to help innovators capture their ideas at ease?”


Process timeline

Process Timeline

— Process 1 of 4 —


User Research

Aside from online research, I led the stakeholder meeting and baseline testing to get a better understanding of the product and users.

Stakeholder meeting: To obtain a solid knowledge of the product, business goals, and user cases, I interviewed the Chief Product Officer, Dave, who has been closely working with the engineers, Sales team, and customers.

Baseline study: Due to time constraints, I executed six 40-minutes meetings, which covered user interview and usability testing, in a week to:

  • Set user performance measures prior to any design changes
  • Understand users’ behaviors and needs
  • Identify potential design concerns

Based on user interviews, I was able to outline three different user personas as a reference for the following design: (1) the chief technical officer who works at a startup, (2) the inventor at a giant company, and (3) the product manager.

A Chief Technical Officer who works at a startup
A Software Engineer at a giant tech company
A Chief Operating Officer who works with the Technical Lead on the patent application

For the usability testing, I listed out six tasks with scenarios for participants to complete. The task completion task was 34% on average which helped me establish the baseline measurement for the future design changes.

Scenario and task test

Image: Result of scenario-and-task testing

The design problems on the three key pages- Dashboard, Description, Drawing Tool page- were listed out based on the participants feedback.

Design problems on dashboard page Design problems on Description page Design problems on Drawing Tool page

— Process 2 of 4 —


Reframe Project Scope

By conducting the Affinity Diagram, I defined the project to solve the existing design problems.

Affinity diagram: I used the Affinity Diagramming to divide the problems into four categories: Navigation, Data Entry, Drawing, and Collaboration.

I then scoped the project based on the severity level to focus on:

  • How to create an easy-to-use idea capturing form?
  • How to build a more friendly collaboration working space?
  • How to optimize the drawing tool?
Affinity Diagram Exercise 1
Affinity Diagram Exercise 2

Image: Affinity Diagram Exercise

— Process 3 of 4 —


Information architecture: I re-organized and sketched the existing information architecture based on users' feedback.

Original Information Architecture

Information Architecture: Before

Revised Information Architecture

Information Architecture: After

— Process 4 of 4 —

Prototype & Iterate

Paper prototype

To make sure the redesign meets users' needs, I built the paper prototype. Then, I tested with five participants who are in either engineering or creative industry and have their own side-projects or startup. The cardboard was customized to provide a more smooth testing experience on paper prototype.

Dashboard page (for new users)

Dashboard page (for new users)

Idea Description page

Idea Description page

Drawing tool page

Drawing tool page

“It's an easy-to-use tool to capture my ideas and discuss them with colleagues and friends.”

Participant 3, Back-end Engineer

Prototype Testing

After collecting the feedback from paper prototype , I iterated the design and created the medium-fidelity prototype to conduct the prototype testing by following the Baseline Testing guide. The task completion rate jumped to 88%.

Before vs After: Dashboard (New users)
Before vs After: Idea Description Page
Before vs After: Drawing Mode
Prototype Testing

Comparison result of Baseline testing and Prototype Testing




Interactive Demo


  • Focus on one problem at a time and think deeply about solutions
  • Conduct usability test with low (zero) budget
  • Present the problems and solutions clearly to stakeholders